Tuesday 27 January 2009

Evaluation of Fornt Cover/Contents Page

this is the evaluation of my Front Cover and Contents Page:

Evaluation of Front Cover and Contents Page

I chose to design my contents page as if it were from a different issue from my front cover. I did this because I had better ideas when I did the contents page and with a better font more related to a magazine. I think I should’ve used this specific font for my front cover as it would make it more professional. On my front cover I liked the row of pictures along the bottom. I think this gives a great effect and adds to the professionalism of the cover. However I don’t like the barcode sitting on top of these three images. I would have rather had it underneath but couldn’t fit it there due to flattening the image which meant I couldn’t move it. The ‘explosion’ cut-out in the corner which bears ‘Now Only 35p’, makes the front cover seem more like it’s a fun and interesting magazine to read. I also made this because it stands out above the rest of the image and stands out to potential readers that could buy it. I made a column inch using the same technique as the title. As you can see the last piece of information’s black outline is much more bold and prominent than the other two. It annoyed me when it did this because I think it ruins the balance of the text on the cover as the others were thin and neat. Inside this text I changed the colour of the dots of these letters/symbol ‘i’, ‘j’ and ‘!’. This was done to make the text seem more appealing to the readers and to help the writing stand out. For the main image I feel I could’ve chosen a better, more sharpened image and I should’ve not edited it as I did. I believe that the colours on it are too vibrant and intense for the particular subject.
I decided to do my contents page differently to the front cover. I made this decision because when I did the contents page I had come up with better ways on how I would create it. For example I think that the text (both font and colour) is better suited for a magazine as it looks more like text a real magazine would use. There were some issues I had with it though. These were the picture of Sam Nixey at the bottom of the page. I don’t like that it has prominent edges. I aimed to make it fade gradually into the background but it didn’t work. However I think that the image of James Davis in the top right corner suits the page nicely. This is because it merges into the background and become one. I like the choice of font I used on this page because it seems more the type of font you would find in a magazine contents page. I believe that this particular font is what I should’ve used for the text on the front cover. The two colours I chose to use complimented each other along with the soft gradual change between the two.
Overall I feel I did better for image use on my front cover and for professionalism I believe I did better on my contents page. There are things on each i could’ve improved on and i have stated them in this evaluation.

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