Tuesday 20 January 2009

Uncut Magazine

this is an evaluation of a magazine front cover. the issue i chose to use was one from the magazine 'Uncut'. this particular issue had an image of Stevie Wonder.

Uncut Magazine

The Magazine I am going to analyse in this essay is called ‘Uncut Magazine’. It is a popular large, mainstream national magazine of which new issues are out every month. The musical interest attracts fans of a rock, indie and funk music. The magazine also has news about the latest films to hit the silver screen and DVD releases. It contains a broad range of music reviews and interviews with different bands from Bob Dylan and Steve wonder to Led Zeppelin and The Feeling. The particular issue I’m analysing is one with Stevie Wonder on the front cover. The image of him in blue stands out against the red background which really contrasts and makes it more eye-catching.
Although the contents of the magazine i.e. from Bob Dylan to The Feeling, would appeal to all age groups. This is not apparent from the glance of the front cover. The producer is appealing to the different ages by using so many different genres of music from different periods. This magazine would certainly stand out to the casual shopper, with the predominant, bleeding image and name of Stevie Wonder would lead you to believe it was a Motown magazine. The bleeding image and the stars in the background are a way of showing Wonders success, like it is too big to fit on the cover. These readers would also be attracted by the callout ‘World Exclusive’ which would make the fans of Wonder intrigued to read into it. Especially with the caption underneath ‘Motown genius breaks 10 year silence’. Another way the producer sells the product is by adding a hook which is the free CD giveaway. The buyers would assume that it is a Stevie Wonder CD as he is on the front cover to make them buy it even though it doesn’t say what it contains. As the picture of Wonder is him smiling it gives off a happy feeling out to the reader. This particular picture could also be to show that the music he makes is happy. As the music of Motown was predominantly written, sung and produced by black people, but bought and enjoyed buy all race and creed. So this magazine appeals to everyone.
For the younger reader they have got a list of different artists which younger people seem to enjoy more and relate to instead of some of the older artists given. For the particular magazine I’ve chosen it would be Stevie Wonder. They have also got in the corner a line which says ‘300 music & movie reviews’. The producers have done this to show that they have plenty of information so everyone can read it and get something they want out of it. At the top of the cover they have put a banner with some spillers of the contents of the magazine so potential buyers can see what the particular issue contains and decide whether to but it or not. The information they choose would have to be something big, important and interesting to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read into it. These could be called cutlines or a callout.
Although I could not find a contents page for this magazine, I think that it would be packed full of page references to the different stories. This would intrigue people even more.

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